27 Nov Elf on the Shelf Ideas
The arrival of our Elf – Tinsel is very exciting in our house! My daughter LOVES the elf, and has a super hard time not touching her! Every year, I try and do something special when our elf arrives!
I use to give my girls Christmas Pajamas on Christmas Eve, but what fun is that to just be able to wear them a couple of days! Now the Elf usually brings everyone new Christmas jammies!
The Elf’s arrival usually brings a fun “sugary” breakfast that is far outside the norm for us. It is meant to be special, so a little sugar ever so often is a treat! Who doesn’t remember eating Captain Crunch on Saturday mornings – it really brings back memories!
Now that the Elf has arrived – you need to move it around your house! There are of course days when it just moves to the Christmas Tree, or other items in the house, but through the magic of PINTEREST and other Facebook groups, I like to have a little fun with our Elf!
I usually start in November gathering some ideas, and keeping my eye out at the Dollar Stores, Craft Stores and even the $1 section at Target for little items to help create fun scenes for the elf!
Here are some of my favorites!
Sometimes, I just use what we have at the house and in my daughter’s toy box!
Anything from her Frozen toys (from a few years ago), to her stuffed animals, there is always some fun happening with the Elf!

The GRINCH always makes an appearance at Christmas time as well.
Sometimes the Grinch is Naughty and locks the Elf in the dog kennel, but our Elf is smart and got the Grinch back by stuffing him in a candy dish!

Finding items around the house and using Christmas Decorations adds to the fun!

Candy and change always make easy Elf props!
Sometimes you see a toy or Stuffed Animal, and it becomes the perfect Elf prop!
I found this “Naughty” Christmas Teddy Bear on Amazon!
My daughter happens to have a birthday in December, so what better way then to have the Elf have fun Birthday celebrations for her!

On occasion our Elf evens brings some fun family craft items to do together as a family!

Generally on Christmas Eve, the Elf is inside a Giant Clear Balloon, (AMAZON) and my daughter can play with the elf, without touching her!
It does take a little work getting the Elf into the Balloon, and then once you start blowing it up – you have to try and position the Elf so it is up right.

Of course at Camping Slayer’s House – the Elf loves to camp as well!!

Elf on the Shelf is a great way to add fun and magic to the Christmas Season! Kids are only young and believe in this magic for only a few short years, so I want to make the most out of it!
I love new and fun ideas to create Magic and Fun at Christmas with my daughter! Please comment below with any pictures you might have of the Fun your Elf has at your house!
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