07 May How Going to Universal Studios in Florida made me a Harry Potter Fan
Is Universal worth it if you are not a Harry Potter Fan?
So you have read a hundred articles about all the amazing Harry Potter things at Universal – but you have never read the Harry Potter books or seen the movies.
What is the big deal?
Well, I was right there- I had not read the books or seen the movies, but I did know a little about it, like the name Hogwarts and there was a wand and butterbeer, but that was it! And as a Disney fan, how could anything compare? This is an entirely different league and you must see it!

Even though I wasn’t a fan and neither was my 7 year old daughter, but my 18 year old daughter had read all the books and seen all the movies, did fill us in when we had some questions, but you don’t need to know any of it – just go explore this Wondering World of Harry Potter.
The theming is unbelievable. You are definitely in London or at Hogwarts – when you walk through both lands!
Things that we loved:
I can’t speak directly for the rides, because I didn’t ride any of them – but both my 7 year old and 18 year old loved all the rides!
Escape from Gringnotts, Forbidden Journey and Flight of the Hippogriff were some of the favorite rides of both my girls!

Get the Park to Park ticket and RIDE THE HOGWARTS EXPRESS!
The train ride back and forth not only helps you get from Island of Adventure to Universal Studios without have to go out and back in, riding the train is an experience in its self. Each way there is a different scene from the movie. I’m sure if we had watched the movie, it would have been better, but it was still a magical experience.
Explore all the shops in Diagon Ally!
On the Universal Studios side of the Wizard World of Harry Potter, you will find the true to the movie and books depiction of Diagon Ally! At Gringotts Wizarding Bank you will find a huge dragon on top that at times shoots fire out of his mouth!
This was an amazing site!
At the Island of Adventure side of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, explore the secret side of London where you can buy a wand, purchase a butter beer and see all the amazing sugar confections at Honey Dukes!
Since I knew we were going to see all the amazing things at the Wizard World of Harry Potter, I bought my daughter a cute Harry Potter Dress at Target and a Harry Potter bow! Why not!

I debated on the wand, as my 7 year old was not into Harry Potter, and spending $49 on an activated magical wand seemed a little steep, but why not, we were on vacation and I don’t regret the purchase.
She had so much fun standing at all of the different windows throughout Hogsmeade and doing the motions to make the items appear, disappear or pop out!
This butterscotch flavored drink was quite refreshing on a hot day! I choose to have the frozen Butterbeer, since it was so hot out, and frozen anything sounded great! It was a creamy beverage with a taste between cream soda and butterscotch.

Hogwarts Castle
This amazing castle is beautiful.

If you are there in the evening during the lighting ceremony – wait for the castle to light up!

Once you are done admiring the inside of the Castle – ride Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. This was a ride I wasn’t willing to go on, since I get motion sick, but both my daughters rode it several times back to back and loved it! Just walking through the castle was its own amazing adventure, as all the pictures on the walls would come to life, just like in the movies!
Movie or book fan or not – The Wizard World of Harry Potter is full of magic, fun and amazement. The detail that has been put into creating these lands are amazing. If you are not a Harry Potter fan when you arrived, you will definitely be once you leave. Once we got home, but 7 year old and I have watched all the movies. She has even watched several over and over again! So the fun keeps on for us. Now she is casting spells with her wand on a daily basis. This was a truly magical experience for all of us, and I can’t wait to go back, now that I know more of the details to catch what I missed on our first trip!

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